Saturday, January 26, 2008

Happy Belated Tu B'Shevat

I tend to send a lot of belated greetings on this blog. At least this time, I have an excuse...I was out of town on business during the holiday. It really was a shame. I really was looking forward to going to our synagogue's Tu B'Shevat seder and scarfing down lots of fruit. At least I got to have some fancy fruits at a breakfast buffet at the conference I was at. It was the first time I ever actually ate dragonfruit. And this starts my new Tu B'Shevat tradition (along with making Tu B'Shevat bars...which I will post at a later date). Every Tu B'Shevat, I need to try a new tree fruit or nut...something I've never eaten before. Of course, this means that next year, I need to start browsing the produce area of Saraga International Grocery long before the holiday.

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