Monday, February 11, 2008

Talmudic Toddler

My wife Shirah reminded me this evening of an incident that happened nine years ago, when Omri was one years old. Omri wasn't speaking yet, at least not beyond, "Hi!" Most of his vocalizations were of the "Da da da da!!!" variety.

One morning, Omri decided that Mama had slept long enough, and he started voicing his opinion that she should get her lazy tuchus out of bed and come release him from the confines of the crib ("Da da da da!") Shirah staggered into his room, and groggily said, "Omri, it's WAY too early to get up." Omri very deliberately pointed at the window to show her the sunlight pouring through. Even though he couldn't yet talk, he was clearly saying, "Look at the sunlight. If there is sunlight, it must be time to get up."

Shirah later said that it was the most eloquent Talmudic argument without words that she had ever heard.

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